Thursday, March 10, 2011

Stealth Idiocy

Recently I saw a report about how the Chinese military have developed a stealth fighter. The news reports asked: “How could they have developed it so fast? We thought they were years away from being able to do it!” (I’m paraphrasing.) Well, I think I may know how they did it. I’m not a military expert or spy or anything, but I do have cable TV. I have seen so many programs on the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, TLC, etc., about the U.S. military’s stealth planes that I could probably build one in my bathroom. (NSA, I can save you some time by assuring you I’m not actually building one in my bathroom. It’s in the garage.) So, obviously, we might want to consider having a little less TV shows about our secret military technology…

Which bring me to this next point: I’ve been seeing endless news stories about our secret new hummingbird-style spy drone. The one that really got me was CNN’s coverage today. They talked about it, showed it in action, revealed all its limitations, etc. In fact, one of the designers was saying: “It would be a lot more effective of we could… (I had to interrupt: not tell the enemy all about it!)” Duh! The only advantage we have is given away for free by our own TV channels! If they’re going to do that, the least they could do is claim that they can kill with lasers and run forever on solar power and find terrorists by reading people’s minds. Ooh! Maybe they can and they’re making the enemy more vulnerable by causing them to underestimate the abilities of our technology! Wow! I guess they’re smarter than I thought. Or maybe not…