Saturday, February 11, 2012

High Noon, Part II

I was bored late Friday night, so I looked through my enormous menu of movie channels to see if there was anything worth watching. Well, there wasn’t, really, but there was this: a movie called: High Noon, Part II: The Return of Will Kane. I know I probably don’t have to tell you that it starred the usual suspects from 1970s TV shows, like Lee Majors and David Carradine, but it amazed me that it existed at all! I mean, seriously: what were they thinking? I think I know, and it was probably something like: “Hey, let’s call it High Noon, Part II, and maybe we can trick some people into going to see it!” But didn’t they think about what a butt of jokes it would be after that? I mean, honestly!

But look, if you’re going to make a crappy sequel to a classic movie like High Noon, the least you could do is give it an intentionally silly title, just so people will know you weren’t serious. Like, let’s say: High Noon, Part II: Afternoon! Or maybe: High Noon, Part II: Half Past Twelve! Or perhaps even: High Noon, Part II: Low Noon! Or even better: High Noon 2: Higher Noon! Then at least, no matter how bad it was, everyone would know it was for laughs.