Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mr. Pibb Dr. Pepper (Joke) Attack Ad?

Mr. Pibb was always jealous of Dr. Pepper. Dr. Pepper always got all the hot ladies because he was a doctor, and poor old Mr. Pibb had to spend all his time alone watching TV and eating cold pizza, the poor guy. I think he even changed his name to something silly and mid-life-crisis-y sounding like Pibb Xtra, aiming for some razzmatazz. Oh, but maybe there’s a guerilla marketing campaign that could be started in a television ad campaign with a snappy slogan that could lead to people seeing a downside to drinking Dr. Pepper? And then surely everyone would race out and buy all the Mr. Pibb they could drink, right? Hmm; now, let me see… How might this be accomplished?

Oh, hey: I know! How about using a play on Dr. Pepper advertising slogans like: “Be a Pepper”, and: “I’m a Pepper”? Like, for instance, an attack ad with the slogan: “A Salt a Pepper!” (Phonetically it would be: “Assault a Pepper”.) Then the ad could show tough-guy hoodlums drinking a Mr. Pibb and then attacking and beating up people who are drinking Dr. Pepper. It would probably spread like wildfire on YouTube videos of people doing this meme, like with so-called “Fight Club” style fighting videos and “C*nt Punting” type videos that kids do. And once that starts, nobody will want to be caught drinking Dr. Pepper! (And they could sell or give away t-shirts and hats that say: “A Salt a Pepper!” on them.)

Oh, but then Dr. Pepper could make ads saying that if you get hurt, you’ll be okay because Dr. Pepper is a doctor, and it can treat your injuries like a cure-all tonic. And then everyone would rush out and buy all the Dr. Pepper they could carry in lieu of healthcare coverage now that the “Affordable Care Act” has made insurance rates skyrocket through the stratosphere to where they are literally unaffordable! (Dr. Pepper will be the only doctor I’ll be able to afford to see pretty soon if the rates keep going up like they have been lately!)

(Now of course this is all just a silly joke. {Except for the part about the health insurance rates becoming unaffordably high: sadly that’s true!} Please do not “A Salt a Pepper”.)