Monday, October 14, 2013

Hoveround “The Wheelchair” (1960) Ad?

TCM has been showing a documentary series on film lately called: The Story of Film: An Odyssey, and in tonight’s entry we’re treated to clips and synopses from numerous movies, one of which is a Spanish film I’ve never seen called: The Wheelchair (1960). Well, apparently the plot is that some old guy whose legs work fine wants a motorized wheelchair anyway because all of his friends have one, but he doesn’t get one, so he gets frustrated and ends up poisoning his family. And so the obvious moral of the story is that anyone who wants a motorized wheelchair had better be given one, whether they need it or not, or else everyone will be killed horribly. And this would make a great advertising threat for a motorized wheelchair company like Hoveround: buy one of our products, or you’ll be sorry… (Hey, maybe they secretly financed this movie? They should remake it now: think of all the advertising tie-ins they could get!)