Sunday, December 8, 2013

Antique Store Nativity Scene Possibilities

In walking along a street here in Los Angeles famous for its antique and second-hand stores, I saw in the window of one of these stores a beautiful, almost life-sized, minimal nativity scene: it was hand-carved wood, about three-quarter scale, and it was just Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus. Well, seeing this, I immediately got a silly idea. What if I bought these things and put them in places where people would complain about them, and then remove them, only to put them somewhere else? People are so spastic these days in complaining about nativity scenes, so I thought it might be fun. But then I saw that they cost $1,500 for the set, and I realized they’d probably get confiscated anyway, and I would likely get in trouble, so it wasn’t worth it.

But I did think of an alternative: Someone could create a Tumblr page for pictures of government buildings and schools and such with the nativity scene proudly displayed in front of them, but the pictures would just be guerilla nativity scenes, placed there temporarily for the photograph and then removed, just to get everyone who sees the pictures all riled up and complaining to the government about how they’re not allowed to have a nativity scene. Who knows, maybe it could even wind up on The O’Reilly Factor’s roundup of War on Christmas stuff (although I doubt he’d appreciate the joke, somehow). But I still can’t afford the nativity scene anyway: it’s too expensive, despite the all chaos I could cause with it (in the interest of the spirit of Christmas, of course!).