Thursday, February 19, 2015

Barrister Wigs

In watching Witness for the Prosecution, I was reminded of the white wigs barristers and judges wear in English courtrooms. I guess it’s to make them look like smart, accomplished and trustworthy authority figures.

Well, if the system allows barristers (and judges) to wear a wig to look accomplished and trustworthy, then isn’t that kind of cheating? And if they’re going to cheat, then why not go all the way and make the accused wear wigs of green spiky punk hairdos or red stand-up Mohawks, or maybe mullets, to make them seem guilty to straight-laced jurors?

Then there could be a law stating no one is permitted to refer to the wigs in court, except to indicate how the accused are obviously criminal types with no respect whatsoever for the law to wear their hair in such a manner in open court. Then surely they’d always get a conviction!