Monday, August 3, 2015

Cuban Cigars

CBS Sunday Morning had a segment about Cuban cigars this past week, and it’s funny to me how much attention this is getting in the media. Liberals run most of the TV news media, and they hate tobacco and have been bullying everyone about smoking for years; but they also seem to love communism, so it seems they’re giving special dispensation to Cuban cigars, whereas all American made cigars and cigarettes are evil incarnate.

You all understand the difference, right? It’s in the movie Dr. Strangelove: The Russian ambassador is offered a Jamaican cigar, but he says: “No, thank you. I do not support the work of Imperialist stooges.” Then the American who offered it to him says: “Oh, only commie stooges, huh?” This seems like the same type of situation to me, only this time it’s our own media who is saying they don’t support the work of capitalists and only support the work of communists. But I guess I could be wrong. (I doubt it, though…)

Think about it for a while and see if you don’t agree.

BTW: I think we should have restored diplomatic relations and trade relations with Cuba decades ago, but it’s funny to me how Cuban tobacco is being celebrated when American tobacco has been demonized for years at this point. Maybe it’s because it’s Cuba’s main export? (<Seems like a flimsy excuse to me, if tobacco is really as bad as we’ve been led to believe, don’t you think?)

(Actually, I’ve always wanted to try a Cuban cigar just to see what it’s like. Maybe I’ll be able to soon to see what all the hoopla is about. And my commentary is not aimed whatsoever against Cuba; it is only the hypocrisy in American journalism that bothers me here.)