Saturday, May 14, 2011

Laid-Back California Life

A news story today reminds me of how laid-back people are here in California. Yes, it’s a story about how today, Saturday the 14th, two guys were stabbed in Hollywood. I’m from New York City, and everybody there stabs everyone on Friday the 13th! This is probably exactly what these assailants intended to do, but because we’re all so laid-back here in Cali, they just sort of lounged around and procrastinated until it was actually 2:00 am on the 14th. So they ended up totally missing Friday the 13th altogether! So now they can't even use that as a legal defense if they end up getting caught! (Of course I'm referring to using the fact that it was Friday the 13th as a legal defense for the stabbing. Surely they'd let you go if you just stab people on Friday the 13th, right? You could simply say that it was the bad luck of Friday the 13th that made your knife accidentally stab your victim. Doesn't that happen to everyone on Friday the 13th?) But isn't this whole thing just so California: totally casual and laid-back to the point of absurdity? I mean, stabbing someone on Saturday the 14th... It sounds like some sort of joke! It's just embarrassing. I’ll bet they were stoned too. That's Californians for you: always stabbing everyone late all the time.

Here’s the news story: