Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Men with Long Hair: Are They Cool or Lame?

Are girlymen back? Ever since Arnold got nailed for being a cheater, we have to wonder: can we really trust the opinions of guys who used to pretend they were him on SNL years ago? Of course not! So then girlymen perhaps aren’t that bad after all. And you know what that means: it’s cool for guys to have long hair again!

Sure, dorks will say no, but they’re just jealous because they’re bald. Or perhaps it’s because they get tired of hitting on guys with long hair when they think they’re really girls and then getting made fun of for it afterwards. Or maybe they just own hair salons and want to trick people into getting their hair cut more often. Who knows?

Whatever it is, I’m pretty sure it has to do with some kind of homophobia. I’m just kidding, but I hope they think I mean it. Then they would have to deny it, and it would be way fun to watch!

But thank God we have people to tell us what to think about stuff like this! It’s hard for me to keep track of stuff like the fact that skinny jeans look lame and that Van Heusen has destroyed the Calvin Klein brand and crap like that. So now I just have to read what other losers say, and then I don’t have to think for myself anymore. Yay!

Here’s the article, but remember: whatever they say goes, okay? (Your opinion doesn’t matter, man!)