Sunday, June 17, 2012

Egypt Dissolves Parliament

The Egyptian High Court dissolved the Egyptian Parliament on Friday. Lots of people in Egypt seemed angry and frustrated over this turn of events, which caused many people to fume about the High Court on the news. This is bad for the court to have so many people get so mad at them. Maybe there's a product they could use instead to dissolve Parliament so they could get rid of it, but not have to take the blame from an apoplectic populace. Do you suppose Drano makes a Parliament Dissolver? I can see the ad now...

Hey countries, do you have a Parliament you need to dissolve? Then try Drano Parliament Dissolver! It works hard to break-up those pesky Parliaments that can clog up totalitarian political systems and stop-up military rule. Plus, it keeps your hands completely, absolutely sparkling clean! That's Drano Parliament Dissolver: Ask for it by name wherever power-grabby products are sold!

(P.S.: Disclaimer: This is just a joke: Drano surely would not support such a thing as this, and I'm only using their brand name because they're so well-known for dissolving drain clogs and such in such as way as to keep your hands clean, so it's a fun metaphor for this idea.)