Monday, June 4, 2012

iPhone 5 Superman (Proposed) Ad

It used to be that Superman was generally associated with telephones, because in the 1950s television show Superman (which was syndicated on UHF stations when I was a little kid), Superman usually jumped into a phone booth to change into his Superman getup, and he was very well-known for doing this. So I’m surprised we haven’t seen any Superman-related cellular telephone ads before (or at least, I haven’t seen any on TV; maybe because he’s too expensive to license). But with the news and rumors about the upcoming iPhone 5, I thought it might be fun to bring this old Superman trope back, pressed into service to help promote a “Super-smartphone”. So here’s a proposed TV ad of mine for the iPhone 5 with a Superman scenario:

At the Daily Planet, Perry White is welcoming new hire Clark Kent to the paper. (Clark Kent is dressed in a 1940s suit and hat, like in the comics and the old TV show.) As the welcome ends, Lois Lane happens to walk past the open door of Perry White’s office, and Perry White calls her in. As Lois walks in the door, Perry White and Clark Kent walk towards the door, and Mr. White introduces Kent to Lois Lane, suggesting that they go to lunch together to get better acquainted, and to show Clark the city a bit. So off Lois and Clark go together.

As Lois and Clark exit the Daily Planet building, Clark Kent hears (with his Super hearing) someone scream for help as a bank is being robbed across town. So Clark says he just remembers something he has to do quickly, and he asks Lois Lane where the nearest phone booth is. So Lois says for him to use her phone: an iPhone 5, and she hands it to Clark. Clark looks at the phone in bewilderment, and says he needs the phone for something else, and hands it back to Lois. So Lois says: “What do you need? This phone can do anything!” And she goes to the apps page and hands the phone back to Clark, who looks at it confusedly for a moment, until he sees an app logo that looks like his Superman “S”. So Clark presses the “S” button, and it changes him into Superman, and he flies off (with Superman music trumpeting, like from the old TV show). Lois cries: “Hey! Where’s my phone?” So Superman flies back, hands Lois the phone, and flies off again to go save the day. Lois then nonchalantly puts her phone back in her purse while saying to herself: “I told you it could do anything!”

(This ad is basically an updating of the joke from the first Christopher Reeve Superman movie, where he walks up to the little NYC phone sconce and wonders what to do, because in the TV show and the comic book, Superman used to change his clothes in a full-length telephone booth with the closing door. This movie scenario was a big laugh in the theaters, and hopefully this commercial would have a similar effect.)

Here is an example of a Superman cartoon where Clark Kent changes into his Superman suit in an old-style full-length phone booth: