Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Episode of COPS?

Hey, if they ever want to make a special Christmas episode of the TV show COPS, I hope they will consider using the following song, to the tune of “Feliz Navidad”:

Police nabbed my dad,
Police nabbed my dad,
Police nabbed my dad, and they tasered him in the ass.”

Maybe they could get a bunch of kids to sing that part, and then a bunch of 30-something men in prison garb and handcuffs and Santa Claus hats (with police officers on either side tapping batons in their hands) could sing: “We want to wish you a Merry Christmas!”

And surely there must be footage of police catching some burglar dressed up as Santa Claus trying to break into someone’s house, and the cops chase him down the street and tackle him in his Santa Claus suit, right? Well, this would be the perfect time to show it!