Sunday, December 30, 2012

Obama Gives More Welfare Dollars to the Most Unproductive Americans

Yes, President Obama has given even more of our hard-earned tax dollars to the most unproductive of us all: Members of Congress. They all get a raise. Oh, and Biden gets one too, I guess because his gaffe-a-thons keep the critical eyes of journalists off the president and his policies. (I really do think that's why he picked Biden for vice president; just like why Bush 41 picked Dan Quayle, I guess.)

But I have to wonder, is the raise for Congress intended as a payoff for an upcoming fiscal cliff deal and raising the debt ceiling, or is it a bonus for artificially inflating the president's approval rating with their permanent impasse on necessary legislation compromises? (Just kidding! No accusations here. But still, it's the only reason I can think of for why they might get a pay raise in Congress.)

Here's the sickening story:

Actually, you know what? I think I know why President Obama has really given Congress a raise: After watching every Wall Street bank, insurance company, etc. that needed a taxpayer-funded bailout give huge bonuses to all their top executives for running their companies into the ground, and then watching all of his failed green energy companies do the same thing all over again with taxpayer money, and then not doing anything about it as it happened again and again, time after time, I guess the president just gave up and said: "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!" (Except that he didn't try to beat them, or even try to stop them.)