Friday, February 12, 2016

Penis Enlargement Cartel

I saw an episode of Penn & Teller Bullshit about sex stuff last night, and it reminded me of the whole penis enlargement ad blitz we got in the last decade. I always thought this whole thing had to be a scam based upon insecurity and hopeful, placebo effects, but I was not entirely sure, as I have not done a study on it. (Like I’d want to!)

Anyway, Penn & Teller did a test, and nothing had any effect: pills, penis pumps, exercise, etc., just like I thought it wouldn’t. (I guess desperate people will try anything?)

And then it hit me: I think the whole penis enlargement product market was not designed to help men get bigger penises, but rather, to compile a database of people who have small penises, so they can inundate them with ads for new scam snake oil products and services, or failing that, maybe as a ripe market for blackmail.

I have no proof, like the penis enlargement products’ claims: it’s just a theory. And a theory does not have to be FDA approved, just like with unregulated supplements.