Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Little Drummer Boy

We all know the story of the little drummer boy, right? He's the kid who had nothing to offer as a gift to the baby Jesus except to play his drum for him. And that's a nice story, right? After all, it's the thought that counts. But would the baby Jesus appreciate the little drummer boy's gift if the little drummer boy was a death metal drummer?

I've often wondered about this. Because, after all, a death metal drummer would be a way more accomplished drummer than just a boy with one drum, so wouldn't it be a much more substantial gift, with a lot more effort and skill behind it? It might just be kinda loud and stuff, especially for a baby. But again, it's the thought that counts, right?

Here is an example of a death metal drummer (Can't you just hear him giving our newborn savior the gift of music right there in the manger?):