Friday, August 10, 2012

Fareed Zakaria Suspended for Plagiarism

Hey Fareed: Stop copying all my stuff! (Just kidding!)

But Fareed Zakaria did get in trouble for copying someone's stuff, apparently. (Copy cat!)
Doesn't he know he's supposed to make up his own propaganda? I mean, um, news! News! (That's what I meant to say.)

Maybe now that he's been dissed by the "Lame-Stream Media", he can go work for Fox News! (No? But he could complain about how unfair the left-wing news media has been to him. They like that stuff over there, don't they? Maybe he could even write a book about it, called: Accused: How the Left-Wing Media Uses Accusations of Plagiarism to Silence Honest Journalism. {You know, like Juan Williams's book, or an Ann Coulter book title.})

Here's the swipey story: