Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Mars Rover

Most people probably know by now that the Mars Rover "Curiosity" landed on Mars, and it's now sending back images and stuff. (Unless they faked it, like in Capricorn One, which would mean they'd have to try to kill O.J. Simpson again, I guess.) They had a contest to decide what to name it, but they keep calling it "The Mars Rover" too, and when I hear that I only think of one thing: that green dog Marvin the Martian used to have with him in his tangles with Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny. Because Rover is a well-known dog's name, right? And so the title "The Mars Rover" sounds like that dog to me. And that's really perfect, because he's a dog, and it's called "Curiosity", and Curiosity killed the cat, right?

BTW: This is Capricorn One, in case you're unfamiliar with it: