Friday, February 28, 2014

New Tactics in the War on Women

We all know about the dastardly War on Women being waged by Republicans. Democrats promised not to tell us about it, but then they went and stabbed the Republicans in the back, broke their word, and told us all about it (those snitches!). But while we all know about it, there are new tactics being employed, and they’re listed in a new field manual for the War on Women I just happen to have found. Here’s a list of tactics Republicans recommend men use against women, especially wives and/or girlfriends, in their dastardly War on Women:

Leave the toilet seat up.

Don’t wash your beard stubble down the sink; leave it so it sticks around the inside of the sink and dries there.

Hog the covers in bed and snore.

Whenever women ask: “Does this make me look fat?” always say: “Yes.”

Disparage ‘women drivers’.

Constantly refer to women as “the weaker sex”.

When asked to cook or do dishes, say it’s “women’s work”.

Constantly ask: “Oh, is it ‘that time of the month’?”

Hog the TV remote and always watch sports.

Drink too much beer, belch and fart a lot.

Start a campaign to ban chocolate.