Monday, February 17, 2014

Xelganz “The RA with RA” Ad (Joke/Proposed)

Xelganz is a medicine for rheumatoid arthritis, which they are calling “RA” in their ads. But there’s something else that’s called “RA”, and that’s the college dormitory Resident Advisor, who in some places is charged with making sure nobody gets to have any fun in college (sort of like the dorm police).

So I thought it might make a fun story to show how some RA in a dorm has rheumatoid arthritis, and as such, she cannot catch anyone doing naughty stuff, because they can sneak through the hallways with beer before she can get out of her chair, or they can all sneak up to the roof for a roof party, and she can’t get up there to see what’s happening.

And so this dorm becomes known as “the party dorm”. Oh, but then she starts taking Xelganz, and all of a sudden, she can keep up with everyone in the dorm, and she catches everyone who is trying to break the rules, and then the ad says that thanks to Xelganz, nobody in this dorm gets to have any fun anymore, and we see the grinning RA and the pouting students in her charge, and they’re holding up a sign that says: “We hate Xelganz!” (<Like the koala that said: “I hate Qantas.”)