Monday, August 25, 2014

MDY SPDR ETFs Antique Ring Ad

This sweet ad for SPDR ETFs, some investment product/service, shows a young man scouring all the area antique stores, jewelry shops and pawn shops for an old ring I’m guessing his grandmother had to sell to cover for some bill she couldn’t afford to pay, and the debt collectors started harassing her ruthlessly. (Or maybe someone stole it?) And when he finds it, he brings it to her, and she says she can’t believe he found it, and she looks very touched and happy.

But since this is an ad for SPDR (“Spiders”), shouldn’t a spider run out of the jewel box and bite her hand? Surely then we wouldn’t be likely to forget about spiders for a while! And isn’t that what the ad is for: to make us think about spiders?

Here’s the ringing endorsement of SPDR ETFs:

(BTW: What does MDY stand for: “Millions of Dead Yuppies”?)