Saturday, August 30, 2014

Mercedes Julius Caesar Ad (Proposed)

Mercedes has a bunch of safety features, so I thought it might be fun to display them using a famously killed historical figure like Julius Caesar. And he could be test driving a Mercedes during a March sales event, and someone warns him: “Beware the rides of March!” But Caesar ignores the warning and drives the Mercedes anyway, and all kinds of crazy stuff happens on the road, with all these accidents almost occurring, and all this stuff almost killing Caesar, but the Mercedes safety features keep him safe and prevent all the potential disasters. So then Caesar buys the Mercedes and drives off, with the guy who warned him saying to himself: “Hey, maybe it was ‘The Ides of March’, instead of ‘the rides of March’ I was supposed to warn him about?” And then the announcer says Mercedes really gives you the imperial treatment, with luxury fit for an emperor, and safety features to keep one alive.