Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Redactor: Government Superhero

The Freedom of Information Act has threatened to reveal public information about what our government is doing with our tax dollars! Who will save the day for a corrupt, incompetent government? Why, it’s none other than The Redactor!

Thousands upon thousands of government documents have been requested under FOIA, as well as subpoenaed by oversight committees: who can keep up with covering up that much incriminating information at such a brisk pace? Why, this is exactly the superpower The Redactor possesses!

Born on another world (Corrupton) with an absurdly corrupt government and a Freedom of Information Act of their own, The Redactor was born with the power to redact all incriminating government documents in a single bound, because he was born into a family of Redactors! But when the corruption became too great, Corrupton exploded into a cesspool of corruption, and The Redactor was sent to Earth in a special space ship and sent to Earth, the next second most corrupt planet in the universe, to help all corrupt governments hide the truth from ever being known by their tax-paying citizens! He even has a super-powered pen from Corrupton that never runs out of black ink to redact with!

That’s the Redactor: He fights for untruth, injustice, and the American Way!