Saturday, August 19, 2017

Men in Gorilla Suits Nature Preserve

It used to be, back in the 1930s through, embarrassingly, the 1950s, and even later (!), that when independent horror movie producers needed a monster, they’d turn to a man in a gorilla suit for their antagonist, or at least his henchprimate, rather than spend any money on anything else. (See: Robot Monster, 1953, and many others!) But in this age of post-Star Wars and CGI effects, sadly the man in a gorilla suit has become an endangered species.

We cannot allow the man in a gorilla suit to die out just because the current movie environment is hostile to such a species! Please give generously to the Men In Gorilla Suits Nature Preserve, where men in gorilla suits will be lovingly cared for in their natural environment: bad horror and sci-fi movie sets, with scantily-clad women constantly running away from them, and an endless craft service buffet.

You can make a difference today. Donate to the Men In Gorilla Suits Nature Preserve.