Saturday, October 21, 2017

Dawn of the Dieting Dead

The flesh-eating zombie thing really has been done to death at this point, so I think we could use a change. So here is the horrifying new zombie film: Dawn of the Dieting Dead!

One day in the near future, the dead come back to life. But they don’t want to eat you nor your brain. In fact, they don’t want to eat anything at all…! But if you think we’re safe, there is another, even more horrifying threat posed by the dieting dead: they give us all negative body image, and they make everyone feel fat! And so before you know it, all of the living stops eating too to try to diet themselves into looking as thin as the dieting dead, and pretty soon, one by one, humanity succumbs to malnutrition and we all join the ranks of the dieting dead. But at least everyone will look good in skinny jeans.

Think you’re hungry for shocking, visceral horror? You won’t be anymore when you see Dawn of the Dieting Dead! Coming soon to a theater near you.