Tuesday, October 17, 2017

NRA The Mummy Joke Ad

TCM is showing the 1959 Hammer horror film The Mummy tonight, and in that movie the titular menace invades the home of Peter Cushing’s archaeologist character, attacking and killing people. Well, our hero has a bunch of guns at his house, but they’re locked away in a cabinet, so while the Mummy is strangling people to death, Peter Cushing’s character has to find the key, use it to unlock the gun cabinet while shaking from an overabundance of adrenaline in his system, then load a gun and go to defend his friends. Well, by that time the Mummy has already pretty much killed everyone, and so he shoots the Mummy, and it does not harm him anyway, and our titular menace lumbers back out into the night relatively unscathed (despite being shot twice at close range). Well, it’s pretty clear that having the guns at hand wouldn’t have made much of a difference anyway, seeing as how they didn’t stop, nor even harm, the Mummy. But taken out of context this would make a great joke ad for the NRA!

We see the scene of the Mummy arriving and attacking and killing people and Peter Cushing’s character having to go through the rigmarole of finding the keys, unlocking the cabinet, finding bullets, loading a gun, and going to fire upon the violent villain. And by then pretty much everyone is already dead anyway. And so we freeze frame there, and Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the NRA, walks in front of the screen, saying: “See? All these regulations forcing us to keep guns in gun safes leaves us vulnerable to the threat of attacks from reanimated undead mummies! See that? By the time he got his gun, the mummy had already killed everybody! Thanks, liberals and Democrats! They just want you and all your families and loved ones to get killed by mummies! Because if someone were able to defend their family against a mummy with a gun, well, that would kill the narrative that guns are never effective for protection. Now we see what they really stand for! In fact, they're the ones bringing the mummies back to life in the first place: to attack gun owners!”

BTW: This is the scene from that Mummy movie I’m referring to (Actually only one person is killed in this scene.):