Saturday, February 17, 2018

LensCrafters "Love Is Blind" Valentine's Day Ad (Proposed)

We see Cupid flying through the air in a romantic candlelit restaurant, bumping into things as he flies because he cannot see. Then the announcer chimes in, saying: "It is said that love is blind. Well, actually it's only legally blind. That's why so many of us fall for the wrong people." As the announcer says this, we see Cupid flying around the restaurant shooting his arrows of love at prospective amorous mates, but much of the time missing his intended target due to his vision impairment and instead hitting the wrong target, causing the wrong people to fall in love, creating much amour fou and incompatible couples in the process, causing much confusion and frustration in lovers and consternation amongst their friends and family members (and pre-in-laws to be). So LensCrafters gives Cupid some (new) glasses (or contact lenses), and from this point on he always shoots straight and hits his intended dead center each and every time. And the announcer says: "Let LensCrafters help you see the one you love in perfect focus this Valentine's Day!"