Saturday, February 17, 2018

Wrinkle Cream Rip van Wrinkle Ad (Proposed)

Rip van Wrinkle is actually Rip van Winkle, but after sleeping for so long, he has developed such sleep-induced wrinkles on his face that everyone calls him Rip van Wrinkle. So, irritated by this insulting nickname, our hero ventures forth to find a wrinkle cream to rid himself of his nicknamesake wrinkles, soon finding the brand of lotion/wrinkle cream the ad is for, and using it to remove said facial wrinkles. And upon removing the wrinkles, people who see him are amazed at how wrinkle-free he now looks, and they apologize for having previously referred to him as Rip van Wrinkle. But Rip van Winkle says there are no hard feelings, because they alerted him to his wrinkle problem, which thanks to them he has now solved. And he thanks them by giving them a jar/bottle of the product so they can be wrinkle free as well. Then the announcer says: "Take the wrinkle out of time, with (product)."