Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Soap Pigpen Ad (Proposed)

I'm not sure if this has ever been done before, but in the Peanuts gang there is a character called Pigpen who is so dirty he always brings a cloud of dust and dirt along with him wherever he goes. And so who better to be the advertising mascot for some type of children's soap and/or shampoo? After all, most kids know the Peanuts, if not from the comic strip, then surely from the TV specials.

And so we'd see Pigpen all dirty and disheveled like he usually appears, but then he hears about some nice event he wants to attend (like a school dance or some such thing), and so he cleans himself up with the soap and/or shampoo the ad is for, and when he arrives at the event he is so clean that hardly anybody recognizes him, and they think he must be a new kid or something. And to wrap it up, we see a product shot of the soap and/or shampoo, along with the text of the slogan, and a mock voiceover of the muted trombone that's always heard whenever an adult speaks in a Peanuts TV special.