Thursday, March 16, 2017

Audi SUV Mikaela Shiffrin Ad (Proposed)

Range Rover has an ad called: “Driven Challenges” where a Range Rover drives down the Inferno downhill ski course, and it’s ever so impressive. Wow, if it conked out, it would still make it to the bottom in neutral. But the Range Rover clearly cheats by going down with hardly any snow, and without skis to boot!

So I thought a fun retort ad from another luxury car brand’s SUV (Like Audi, for instance) would show Mikaela Shiffrin race a Range Rover down a ski course with snow, and it wipes out and she wins. (Actually, she would have won anyway, because she’s the star of the spot), and at the bottom of the ski run, where there’s plenty of snow everywhere too, she hops in her Audi AWD SUV and drives down another downhill course, but without any pre-made roads in the snow; and she hauls ass down the hill and then drops into a road at the bottom of the hill, also still covered with snow, and she takes off on the road with no handling issues whatsoever, showing how this vehicle can do it all better than the Range Rover.

(I am saying an Audi here because they did that great ad a couple of years back with a snowy Moby Dick metaphor ad I said I thought would have worked better as an abominable snowman metaphor ad. And that Audi sure looked great in that deep snow environment, so…)

Here’s the Range Rover ski spot:

And here’s my piece on that Audi “Ahab” spot from 2012: