Saturday, June 23, 2018

NYC Cab Service Phone Number

There's a limousine service in New York City called Carmel Car whose telephone number is: 666-6666. With that number, maybe they should say it's tempting, sinfully luxurious, and they'll corrupt you by spoiling you with such seductive treatment. And maybe they could have an ad where they give rides to Satanic-themed heavy metal bands and maybe a pregnant, short-haired Rosemary (from Rosemary's Baby) directing the driver to take her to the hospital so that she can give birth to her baby (you know who that would be...).

But seriously, they could make print ads with those sexy red devil girls by the artist Coop behind the wheel of a limo, or posing with a muscle car wheel as in the image in the link below.

Or maybe they wouldn't want anyone to remember what 666 refers to? (I'm sure they didn't request that number; maybe the phone company assigned it to them by accident?)

This is a Coop devil girl: