A satirical blog about media, marketing, advertising, politics, pop culture, etc. All references to actual companies, products, people, etc. is for the purpose of parody. All writing is copyright by Greg Medernach, and is mostly intended as absurdist humor, and as a portfolio of comedy and creative advertising material. Questions and Comments: unconditionedresponse@yahoo.com
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
The Hand of God Flips the Bird
After the winning goal was scored by Argentina in their game against Nigeria, Argentine soccer legend Diego Maradona was shown leaning over from the skybox he was in at the game and flipping the bird with both hands at the fans from Nigeria, or perhaps at everyone who had criticized Argentina's team everywhere. So I wonder if I will see the headline: "The Hand of God Flips the Bird" on the cover of the NY Post or the New York Daily News in tomorrow's paper, or maybe in the late edition. (I don't really read either paper, but they do tend to have very colorful, pithy, and at times humorous headlines. I'm from New York City, so I've seen plenty of them over the years, like the especially memorable Daily News headline: "Ford to City: Drop Dead", referring to President Gerald Ford's unwillingness to bail out New York City during the 1970s, and the more recent: "Grab them by the P***y", in reference to a somewhat different Republican president.)