Saturday, June 23, 2018

VW Jetta World Cup Ads

VW has been running an ad campaign during the World Cup where they show different people wearing national team soccer jerseys different countries sitting in the driver's seat of Jettas and saying: "America, sorry you're not in the World Cup this time, but consider rooting for (whatever other country, for example, Belgium, for the reason that they have the largest electronic music festival). I think they missed the opportunity to include the following countries/reasons in their ad campaign:

"Root for Russia! We helped decide the outcome of your presidential election!"

"Root for Mexico! We call you racists for enforcing your immigration laws!"

"Root for Iran! Death to America!" (And their Jetta, which they had converted into a car bomb, explodes.)

Here are a couple of examples of this VW Jetta ad campaign (Belgium & Iceland):

(Just joking, Iran. Please don't blow me up with your Jetta.)