Friday, July 24, 2015

Cell Phone Lindsey Graham Ad (Joke/Proposed)

Lindsey Graham had a political ad in response to Donald Trump's phone number attack speech in the spirit of Rand Paul's recent tax code ad recently, and wow, what a door this opens up for cell phone ads! So here's one that comes to mind:

We see angry CGI animated cell phones (like character from a Pixar movie) watch Lindsey Graham's destruction of several cell phones in his political ad response to Donald Trump on TV, and the cell phones decide to band together to get revenge for their kind. Then we see them walking together in slow motion, movie tough guy style, like from Reservoir Dogs or The Wild Bunch, and they're a team of badass avengers out to get Lindsey Graham for his murder of innocent, defenseless cell phones.

And so we see this team of secret agent ninja avenger cell phones, and they're sneaking into Lindsey Graham's fortress, which is like Mr. Han's from Enter the Dragon, or that of some Bond villain, or some such thing, and they fight and neutralize all Lindsey Graham's evil cell phone-harming henchmen, who are all kicking around innocent cell phones for their sadistic pleasure (cell phones that are also CGI animated characters), and then our team makes it into the sanctum sanctorum (It's kind of like a Rick Santorum room, but themed for Lindsey Graham in his own personal villain fortress), where they find Lindsey Graham torturing cell phones with a merciless relish (and not the condiment kind!), and when they break in, he sees them and shouts: "You! I'l get you!" and Senator Graham grabs a Samurai sword (only a real, razor-sharp steel one, rather than the wooden practice one he used for his ad), looking to make quick work of these smarmy smartypants smartphones. But then our heroic cell phones show their dazzling martial arts skills and superpowers, beating Lindsey Graham senseless for his senseless cell phone slaughter, and at the end, when he's defeated and begging for mercy, one of the cell phones makes itself into a giant rectangle and falls on and crushes the vindictive villain like an enormous domino falling on him.

And then it's over: cell phones have gotten revenge and eradicated the scourge of smartphonity once and for all! And having prevailed, the ad trumpets that even the most entrenched of the powers that be are no match for the technological ingenuity of (whatever brand of) cell phones! And to get your own personal revenge against the lunacy of luddites, grab your own (whatever brand of) cell phone, and shake up the system!