Thursday, July 30, 2015

Things I learned from Big Hero 6

I love Big Hero 6, but there are a few things I learned from this movie I was not expecting:

1.) Ban tech colleges: they’re just accidents waiting to happen, with evil professors bent on revenge.

2.) Do not allow science fairs: nerds will only develop things that will be stolen and used by dastardly villains.

3.) Never try to save anyone from a fire: you’ll only ever be killed, and your invention will be perverted by your little brother to kill.

4.) Only use your own family in teleportation experiments. That guy in the movie The Fly used himself as an experimental subject: bad idea. Use your family members! If it doesn’t work, you’ll never have to listen to them rub it in that you’re a failure. And the more you fail the less you’ll have to hear about it from your family.

5.) Robots can remove their programming card and still act the same, despite an earlier scene showing this to be impossible. (Near the end, robot Baymax sends Hiro back with Dr. Callaghan's daughter, and after it's all over, we see that it sent back the medical programming card in its launchable fist. Without that card, how did it care enough to save anyone?) Plus, robots still operate functions after being shut down. (Hiro said he was satisfied with his care, shutting down Baymax, but afterwards it shot the fist off anyway.)

6.) Apparently it's easier to create a new team of superheroes with all new superhero equipment and capabilities than it is to make a new headset to control your own microbots that you invented the technology for. Strange. I guess geniuses only want to crack new problems and not rehash stuff they already know how to solve, huh? His choice.

Great movie! Fun unintended messages! Interesting, baffling plot holes! Rousing music!

See it!