A satirical blog about media, marketing, advertising, politics, pop culture, etc. All references to actual companies, products, people, etc. is for the purpose of parody. All writing is copyright by Greg Medernach, and is mostly intended as absurdist humor, and as a portfolio of comedy and creative advertising material. Questions and Comments: unconditionedresponse@yahoo.com
Friday, July 31, 2015
The Hillary Clinton International Airport
If there’s one reason I’d like to see Hillary Clinton elected as the President of the United States it’s because I’d love to see an airport named after her. And in this airport named for her, all of the arrivals and departures screens would be blank, completely devoid of information. And when travelers would ask the personnel at the airport why the information is missing, the personnel would say: “What do you mean? I don’t see any missing information. You probably just need glasses.” And when people complained to the FAA, the FAA would say that anyone who complained must be a liar, and they should be barred from flying.