A satirical blog about media, marketing, advertising, politics, pop culture, etc. All references to actual companies, products, people, etc. is for the purpose of parody. All writing is copyright by Greg Medernach, and is mostly intended as absurdist humor, and as a portfolio of comedy and creative advertising material. Questions and Comments: unconditionedresponse@yahoo.com
Monday, September 14, 2015
Asthma Inhaler Prank Call Ad (Joke/Proposed)
We see someone (let’s say an adult woman) at home reading when the telephone rings. (This is a period piece, like from the 1970s or 1980s, so it would be a landline telephone.) She answers the phone, and the person on the other end breathes heavily into the phone, annoying and perhaps even frightening her. But just then, the prankster has an asthma attack and exhibits a marked shortness of breath, and so the woman being pranked tells the prankster: “It sounds like you have a problem with asthma. You should get the (whatever brand of) asthma inhaler.” Then the announcer chimes in, saying that if shortness of breath keeps you from engaging in the activities you enjoy, get the (whatever brand of) asthma inhaler, and you can breathe easily again, giving you the second wind you need to pursue your pleasures.