Monday, September 14, 2015

Flomax Fountain Statue Ad (Proposed)

Flomax is a medicine that helps men with prostate issues urinate more reliably, and as such, it made me think of those European fountain statues of cherubs peeing into the fountain. An ad for Flomax could show one of these urinating cherub fountains, and as we see it flowing, the announcer could talk about how as we age, prostate issues can make it harder for men to urinate reliably; and as the announcer says this, the cherub would visibly become older (through cgi), as its urine stream becomes weaker and stops. Then the announcer tells us that Flomax helps alleviate these symptoms to get things flowing again; and as he says this, the cherub begins urinating into the fountain again.

I know the issue of urination may not be so suitable for television, but it’s also not suitable for public performance either, and these peeing cherub fountains are all over the place, so due to their ubiquity, I should think it would be acceptable, and would indeed be cute for such a purpose, to be used in a Flomax TV advertisement.