The Predator movie
franchise has done very well, so there must be more movies coming in the near
future. I wonder what they’ll be like. But I have some ideas…
Child Predator: A
little kid Predator is brought to Earth to be taught how to hunt, but the adult
supervisor/hunting teacher is killed by Arnold Schwarzenegger, so Arnold must
then raise the child Predator as his own, and send it to school with human
children, etc. A must see for all Predator
Sexual Predator:
The X-Rated Predator movie. A
Predator comes to Earth to hunt, but this time he’s hunting the ladies for hot
dates! An instant midnight movie classic!
Predator Priests:
This movie shows the exciting home world of the Predators, and we learn all
about their religion and such. Haven’t you always been curious about the
lifestyles of real Predators on their home planet? Well, this movie shows us
from the point of view of a Predator priest who takes care of their spiritual
lives. Find out what the Predators find sacred and what they consider sinful,
and learn about their saints and religious prophecies!
High School Predator:
In this installment, we’ll get to find out what high school is like on the
Predator home planet. Yes, it’s a might-makes-right society where the biggest
dreadlocks get the hottest Predator girls! We’ll learn how Predators are
trained in the use of armaments as teenagers! And we’ll finally find out why
Predators hunt on other planets: because like in the Robot Chicken sketch, Predator protesters have shut down hunting
and gun ownership on their home planet, and in order to get some much needed
macho R&R, the Predators must fly off to some alien planet to hunt, and
then sneak their hunting trophies in through customs when they return. It’s all
the Predator teen angst and schooling drama you can blast with a wrist nuke!
To Catch a Predator:
Predators have been coming to Earth once to often to hunt humans, and we’re
getting tired of it! So NASA creates a program to send a team of mercenaries to
the Predator planet to hunt them for a change. We’ll see the team training
hard, and then we’ll get to see the mercenaries killing Predators and capturing
one alive to put in our secret government intergalactic zoo! Who wouldn’t go
see that?
Star Wars Predators:
Yes, Predators fly all over the universe to hunt, and of course they show up in
the Star Wars galaxy to hunt movie
characters like Jar Jar Binks! See all the most annoying Star Wars characters die in surprisingly gory ways! They even go
after annoying droids! Fun for the whole family!