Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Trip Advisor “Book!” Ad

This is a pretty cute and clever ad, showing a little dog who wants to go on vacation with its owners learning how to say: “Book!” when it barks. I’ll bet this will be very annoying after seeing it a few times, but I’ll bet it will be memorable.

One way they could reinforce brand identity in this ad would be to change the owl logo for Trip Advisor into a graphic of the face of this dog from the ad. They wouldn’t have to change the logo for the company, but simply cut in the dog’s face over the logo after we’ve seen it. Then we’d likely remember it’s an ad for Trip Advisor, as opposed to any other travel website.

That’s the thing about so many ads: they have a fun idea, but they don’t tie it into the company or product enough that we remember it specifically. This fun edit to the logo really might do the trick here.

Here’s man’s best travelling companion’s spot: