Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Sex Education Characters for Kids

Kids need sex education. But how can we make it more fun to teach than an uncomfortable, awkward conversation nobody wants to have? Why, through the use of cartoon characters/puppets, that’s how!

Yes, now there are sex education characters you can use to break the ice with kids! And they’re just like all the other characters kids like!


Conrad the Condom
Denny the Dental Dam
Pilar the Birth Control Pill
Patty the Birth Control Patch
Connie the Contraceptive Sponge
Didi the IUD (She’s screwy! {Actually, they all are!})

Who wouldn’t want to watch a kids’ show with these puppets/cartoon characters? (Or be stuck in a sex education class with a teacher using them?)

Yes, we must get kids interested in learning about sex, because if we don’t, then they’ll… Oh, you mean they’re already interested in sex anyway? Well, the characters are really only so the teacher doesn’t get too embarrassed anyway; we just say it’s for the kids.