I love this silly ad for Tostitos Cantina Chipotle Thins, where children at a kids’ birthday party are going wild, but the parents don’t notice all the anarchy and mayhem because they’re so absorbed in the great taste experience of eating these new Tostitos snacks. (I think Michael Fried wrote a book about this phenomenon as it relates to art. And Tostitos are nothing if not art: the art of crunch! The book was called: Absorption and Theatricality, and here we have both: the parents absorbed in the experience of eating Tostitos, and the theatricality of the wild kids' party behind them staged for the commercial.)
The only thing I think this ad needs is the right slogan, like: “Tostitos makes parents negligent!” Or maybe a guarantee, like: “If you ever lose custody of your child due to negligence, saying you eat Tostitos Cantina Chipotle Thins gets you special dispensation from parental responsibilities under the law!” Then all parents who are already negligent could eat them too and have a legal excuse for their negligence. It’s genius: finally an ad campaign that gives negligent parents an excuse for their reckless and irresponsible behavior!
Hey, how about saying: “Tostitos Give Your Tostitis!” And Tostitis is an addiction disease where you cannot stop eating or even stop thinking about and obsessing over Tostitos Cantina Chipotle Thins. Maybe some pharma company could develop some drug therapy for this treatment, and call it: Toztytoz. (Do not eat salsa to excess wile taking Toztytoz.)
Here’s the party piece: