Sunday, December 21, 2014

NetFlix Airport Ad

In this twist on a romantic story, a man chases a woman through an airport until he finds her, and then, just when it seems like he’s going to ask her to marry him, he asks for the NetFlix password. (I guess they’re “living in sin”, huh? As are all NetFlix users, since watching endless movies leads to sloth, one of the seven deadly sins, and also a cute furry animal.)

Wow, this ad seems somewhat mean-spirited to me. But you know, maybe if she withheld the NetFlix password until marriage, this wouldn’t happen to her.

Hmm, somehow I have a feeling this guy has a lot of lonely movie-watching marathons in his future…

(I was thinking that this woman could get revenge by saying the man made a bomb threat to her, and airport security could indefinitely detain him. Or if that’s too far, she could always accuse him of stalking her.)

Here’s the stalky spot:

You know, it strikes me that this ad could serve double duty for a smartphone or cellphone carrier ad as well: show this ad, show her dump him and smear his reputation online for his insensitivity, and then the spokesman says this could easily have been avoided if he’d just texted her the question on his smartphone.