Saturday, December 13, 2014

O Happy Dagger! (The Shakespearean Slasher Movie)

We begin in the tomb of the Capulets near the end of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo kills himself with some poison, and then Juliet wakes up. Well, Juliet is distraught at this turn of events, and so she decides to join Romeo in death. But first, she’s going to get bloody revenge against everyone who screwed up her life and destroyed her happiness: all the Capulets and Montegues, the friar, the prince, and everyone who stood in the way of her love with Romeo.

And so it’s a Shakespearean Slasher-style bloodbath, with Juliet stalking and killing everyone with her “happy dagger”, and at each kill she says: “I’m a happy dagger: I get to stab you!” (<Speaking for her dagger, since she’s now hopelessly insane. {Wouldn’t you be after waking up in a tomb with the love of your life dead at your side?}) And then she kills herself with her happiest of daggers at the end.

And she can kill everyone so easily because, as you may recall, everyone already thinks she is dead, so they all think she’s a vengeful ghost, and they are all afraid of ghosts. (They also don’t expect ghosts to stab them to death with actual daggers.)

Now there: won’t that make them even sorrier about their stupid feud than the loss of their children?

It’s the Slasher movie even Shakespeare enthusiasts will love, it’s: O Happy Dagger! Coming soon to a theater near you!