Sunday, December 14, 2014

Zappos Cinderella Ad (Proposed)

In a magical montage, we see Cinderella put on her glass slippers and go to the ball; we see her dance with the prince; we see her lose one of her glass slippers leaving the ball in haste; we see the prince come looking for the owner of the glass slipper; we see Cinderella’s foot fit into the glass slipper; we see Cinderella marry the handsome prince. Then the announcer says: “One pair of shoes can change everything. Make your magic happen, at Zappos.”

(It might be fun to have the fairy godmother put the shoes on Cinderella at the beginning with a magic wand, along with the sound effect: “Zappo!” And that could lead to a new ad campaign where the Zappos Fairy Godmother appears and uses her magic wand to give people new shoes, opening new worlds for them, and changing their lives for the better.)