Thursday, February 25, 2016

AstraZeneca OIC Pharma Snail Ad

During the Super Bowl this year, there was an ad that’s making the rounds now on TV and such about some drug for opioid-induced constipation featuring a snail mascot. Now, I think they are approaching this concept all wrong, because a snail mascot always represents a slow crawl, unless they morph it into the snail from the animated movie Turbo (show the slow snail as the before, and then show the Turbo snail as the after); but they’d have to license it, and I doubt they could license children’s animated characters for an ad related to opioids.

I think maybe they should try a different approach for their mascot. Instead of the snail, maybe they could use a passed-out junkie. They could show this junkie passed out on the sidewalk and say: “Are your bowels incapacitated like this due to opioid use? Then try (whatever drug: they don’t even specify what it’s called in this ad {!!!}).” Then we could see a police officer walk up to the nodded-out junkie and put a bottle of the OIC drug in his face like smelling salts, and then the junkie would wake up, see the cop, and then get up and start running away down the street, chased by the cop. Then the announcer says: “Get your bowels up and moving again with (whatever the drug is called).”

Snails do not use opioids, but junkies do, so I think the passed-out junkie mascot would be more apropos. He could wear a t-shirt that says: “This is your bowels on opioids.”

(Of course, not everyone who uses opioids is a junkie; this is just a joke about this ad.)

Here’s the constipated commercial: