Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Humira Ulcerative Colitis Ad (Proposed)

I keep seeing this silly ad for Humira where some woman talks about her moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis. Nobody says stuff like that in real life. But later, she abbreviates ulcerative colitis to: “UC”, and that gave me an idea.

Why not have her talk about things she couldn’t do because she had ulcerative colitis, and she could say: “I couldn’t do that anymore because, you see, I have UC: ulcerative colitis.” Then she could do the spiel about Humira, and then she could say that now she can do all the stuff she likes to do again, adding: “I have UC, but you see, I also have Humira now. And it gave me my life back.”

Wouldn’t that work better than what they’re doing now?

Here’s the current humira spot for U to C: