Monday, February 29, 2016

Internet Ad Volume

I know there are laws to make the ads on TV the same volume as the television programming, even though they don’t abide by them, but I have to say, the volume of ads on the Internet versus what you’re there to do or see is so cranked up, it could seriously damage people’s hearing.

Look, I am an ad guy: just read this blog. But that does not mean I think ads should make people have to put their fingers in their ears. That’s just crazy; and lazy. Come up with an idea they can’t forget, and they’ll get hooked in. Blast out their eardrums, and they might remember the ad, but for all the wrong reasons. And that can be counterproductive. (It always is with me. Make me mad, and I will make a mental note to never buy whatever from whatever company.)

So please don’t kill us with volume on the Internet with your ads: you will only make enemies, and I doubt you will find any customers besides the ones who were going to buy whatever you’re selling anyway.)

Just because the Internet is unregulated is no reason to abuse people. Do it too much, and it will become regulated. That’s not a prediction; it’s a fact. So wise up.