Thursday, January 21, 2016

Boost Bernie Sanders Ad (Joke/Proposed)

We see Bernie Sanders at the beginning of the 2016 Presidential Campaign season, and he’s way down in the polls, getting clobbered by Hillary Clinton. Then Bernie decides he needs something to give him a boost, so he drinks a bootle of Boost: it has all the nutrition older people need to feel their healthiest. Then, after drinking the Boost, Bernie gets a boost in his rankings, climbing up to where he is virtually even with Hillary Clinton. Then we see Bernie Sanders, and he says: “Wow, that sure gave me a boost! Gee, I wonder if…” Then he opens another bottle of Boost, takes a sip, and then he’s higher in the polls! (Or else he takes the sip, we fade to black, and then we see a product shot of Boost, and the announcer says: “Boost gives you the boost you need!”)