Sunday, January 24, 2016

Organ Donor Dog Ad from Argentina

This spot actually made me cry. But even so, there are issues with it.

First off, the dog’s owner obviously has a stroke or a brain hemorrhage. Who called the ambulance? Did the dog call them? I didn’t know dogs could use phones.

Also, when the dog greets the new owner of his former owner’s organ(s), he runs up to greet her. But what happens next? Most people don’t just adopt stray dogs they meet on the street. My guess is they called animal control because she already has a couple of cats who wouldn’t like a new dog as a roommate. And we’re an extremely dog-centric culture here, so people care more about what happens to dogs than they do about what happens to people. So that question might linger in people’s minds as it did in mine.

But other than those issues, wow, what a great ad! It really hits that emotional spot. Great idea and great execution. And what a great dog they cast! I hope he/she gets lots of Scooby Snacks for his/her performance here, as he/she really deserves it.

Here’s the spectacular spot: