Thursday, January 28, 2016

Showtime Extreme Sports Promo Music

Anyone who is a TCM junkie like me will instantly recognize the music Showtime Extreme is using for their sports promos at the moment. It’s the same music TCM used to use for TCM Underground before they changed the intro into something way better, which it is now. (It used to be a terrible intro, but now it is terrific. Kudos to the graphics people at TCM! Now please replace that old Rube Goldberg intro I have seen a million times: it was fun the first couple of times, but now it has really worn out its welcome.) But hearing that same generic-y punk rock guitar progression again for another network was really strange. I guess it’s library music somewhere? I know it’s old, so I thought maybe Showtime would get something newer? It’s just odd to hear promo music recycled from network to network years later. I like the aggressive music feel for action sports, but surely someone else has made other aggressive music since then that might be more appropriate for the new Showtime Extreme Sports promo? (Or maybe no one has?)